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Commentaires - BMW X5 Le Mans

Julien Taillandier

BMW X5 Le Mans

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Ah, la version Le Mans du X5 ... elle est restée bien longtemps en fond d'écran !!

En revanche, je préfère la version salon avec la magnifique peinture et les jantes spécifiques !!

P.S: c sur que c un V12 ?? Persuadé que c'était un V10 ...

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oui Flo, c'était un V12 et à la base le moteur de la McLaren F1...

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C'est bien BMW.

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C'est même le moteur du V12 Lmr qui a gagné Le Mans en 1999

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un 4x4 de circuit

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 hi i love u

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As we all known, the MBT brand is named as the smallest gym in the world,it is true that the Favorite have being brought feeling unusual to us,meanwhile make us more healthy!How can mbt brand do that? The concept of Discount MBT Shoes basically is that the curved sole creates instability as you walk, which mimics the effect of walking barefoot. To counteract this the foot uses muscle to counter this and creates a natural body training effect. Meanwhile, remember that Take care of your shoes.MBT Shoes clearance is a famous brand,it is a power,a brand culture! For most people in body pain, MBT Chapa Shoes is a kind of painful pleasure. MBT Anti Shoes Cheap are so effective tunning and that no person could ignore this mbt shoes sale, you will love it at first sight, they are on hot discouns selling now. Wearing MBT Walking Shoes sale to close the nature, to know our earth again. Love nature love peace.

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:chut::brosse:it is very good!



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