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Commentaires - BMW 335i tuning : la suite...

Julien Taillandier

BMW 335i tuning : la suite...

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le photographe n'a que 20 ans

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Les photos sont vraiment chouettes mais du coup on voit pas grand chose de la voiture...    (distortion, noir sur sombre..)

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Pas mal, mais trop de choses inutiles à mon gout mais pas mal

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Whilst I have yet to drive one, my dad has recently taken delivery of a 335d M Sport Coupe (replacing a 2005 M3 Coupe). Each time I have been a passenger in the car I have been blown away at the performance of the car, no lag, great noise (but very quiet) and power all the way through the BMW pistons and rev range. The engine alone is truly an engineering masterpiece. When you consider that the car has an autobox, is capable of cracking 60 in 5.9 seconds (62 in 6.1 for the sticklers among you) and is limited to 155mph, it is realistic to see (even under relatively enthusiastic driving) 40mpg, that in my mind is more than just impressive. Comparatively my own 2007 Astra 1.8 petrol only manages 28mpg. The way in which it gathers crazy speed in such a hushed manner is actually frightening (certainly for those wanting to keep a clean licences) and the auto-box is so good (fast, smooth, well judged changes, with an excellent manual mode) that it's just as well that BMW don't have a manual that can cope with the 427lb/ft worth of torque as you wouldn't want it. Not once have I heard any words of dis-satisfaction or remorse in trading the M3 in against this car. On the road it's performance is so strong and exploitable I would imagine there is not a great deal to choose between the cars for outright pace... all this from a car that has family car fuel economy and a 500+ mile range :-)




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